Louise Trudel
At what level is your STRESS meter?
Do you have the impression that at times, everything is jostling, that you oscillate between the Everything is fine! and the OMG! Total loss of control ?
We live in 4e speed and we do several things at the same time. From morning to night!
Besides, not so long ago, we WATCHED a movie.
Now we LISTEN a film about a distracted ear with very partial attention because this attention is fragmented between the film, the “beeps” of notifications, our cell phone, our tablets and other gadgets of the kind.
A brain on nitro
If you're wondering why it's difficult to fall asleep at night and your sleep is light, it's probably because your brain (which requires 20% of your energy) is in nitro mode throughout the day and even into the evening. !
…while you LISTEN to a film or TV series. Hello relaxation!!! (cynical tone)
Brain activity and sleep
Moreover, a study on rats demonstrated that brain activity did not stop when they had completed a maze course. On the contrary, an EEG showed strong brain activity during the first sleep cycle following completion of the course.
No relaxation = no restful sleep
The functions of sleep are to repair tissues, to clean the brain of beta-amyloid proteinsand help himretain the learnings of the day.
This simplifies sleep functions, but it is not trivial.These functions are crucial for maintaining life and memory.
If you've ever had a sleepless night, you're unlikely to remember the events of the previous day.
FACT: No one can relax for you.
If you don't relax, who else will do it for you?
Have you ever noticed that holding your breath is the first thing that happens when you are shocked, surprised, stressed?
Guess what can help you regain control over your emotions, your stress and even your anxiety?
Your breathing!
You breathe. You're doing it right now. But you have forgotten “how to do it” and how useful it is to reduce stress and regain control over an anxiety attack that is coming.
I do yoga every morning and I have 10 years of taichi and meditation under my belt.
I used all of these tools to get through many challenges.
So when I suggest you slow down a little and watch the flakes fall or breathe while you brew your herbal tea, I know what I'm talking about.
We try?
Inhale for a slow count of 5. If you can, close your eyes and breathe, “bringing” your breath into your belly.
Hold for 2 seconds. Exhale slowly for 7 seconds.
And relax your shoulders. Their place is not next to your ears.
It's magical, isn't it? If you feel adventurous, repeat this 2 more times!
You will notice that the palpitations stop, your shoulders relax, your thoughts become organized and you feel like smiling again.
Well done! Relaxing requires a minimum of time and practice. But believe me, it's worth persevering!
If you need a little help to relax, herbal teas from the Relaxation Collection will help you.
To sleep well, I suggest the brand new herbal tea Sleep Maxwith valerian or herbal tea Deep Sleep with Passionflower