Louise Trudel
I need love ❤️
I've never given much importance to Valentine's Day, but this year I must admit that even the most banal ads make me smile.
My conclusion: I need love!
I should add: I need love to exist,
- That "give to the next" is a feasible way of life,
- That altruism wins over selfishness,
- That each individual's focus is bigger than the circumference of his or her navel,
- That hurtful words can be stopped by a sincere smile.
Some of you will think I'm going through a temporary period of confinement-related fad, flowers in my hair, free of all anxiety-provoking concerns.
Sorry! This is far from being my case.
My "need for love" is rather mathematical
If intentions, smiles and concrete gestures make us "love" a little more one day a year, why not repeat that day a few times a year? A few times a month? A week?
Love and happiness would be contagious❤️😄
So a smile would be a contagion risk. A hug? And there you go! You are infected and a vector of community transmission.
No borders, no segregation. We let it go "wild and free" and go around the world.
So yes, I admit it. I need love ❤️
How about you?