Louise Trudel
The mirror
At a particularly trying moment in my life, a friend said to me:
“When a woman says she is no longer capable, she draws on this reserve which never runs out”
She was right. Because even when nothing is going well, we continue. We draw.
We take up arms.
We are women
WE love. We give everything of us. Instinctively, we help, support and defend what we love.
This is our molecular programming. It’s our genetic memory passed down for thousands of generations… because remember, we are primates with big brains. Homo Sapiens.
Despite this natural impulse, we have all reached that alarming point where continuing to move forward hurts.
We found ourselves in the middle of shifting sand, trying to keep our heads above water, screaming with our eyes “HELP ME!” HELP ", but without emitting a single sound.
We have all experienced the moment when we stare at our reflection in a mirror without recognizing who we have become. And we never forget the one who is no more.
Time passes
One day, we manage to look at ourselves in the mirror. We smiled shyly at each other. We say to ourselves: “I’m back”. I am back a little scratched but straighter and stronger. A kind of version 2.0.
Wise, cynical (perhaps) but weighed down with baggage which ironically will make the next journey lighter.
The message
One day, someone close to us carries this saving message that turns our lives upside down. A message that shakes, that brings to life and that makes you feel what is important.
One day, the messenger of this hope IS YOU! You are this renewal, this long-awaited momentum because it is YOU who holds this branch which will propel another woman out of the quicksand.
I say thank you to all those women who instinctively fought for their beliefs, their love, their passion and, subsequently, our lives.
I say “Courage!” » to all those who fight for their future, their children, their territory.
To all those going through difficult times, I would like to extend this branch to you to pull you out of the quicksand.
My little personal note...
Allow me a personal message. Thank you to all the extraordinary women I know. Each of them could tell their inspiring story, dotted with suffering and solidarity. Despite the pain, they all reached out to help, lift and support even when they were no longer able.
I am sure of it now: we all have an inexhaustible source of love that does not make us vulnerable, but stronger.
Look at yourself in the mirror. You are perfect. 🥰
To Marianne, Chantal, Nathalie C, Nathalie B, Claudie, Karine, Dominique, Maryse, Marilyne, Nancy, Suzanne, Julie and Marie-Christine, thank you for being part of my life.
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